Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paludrine/avloclor Side Effects Have You Taken Anti-malarial Paludrine/Avloclor,?

Have you taken anti-malarial Paludrine/Avloclor,? - paludrine/avloclor side effects

Hello, I am currently the anti-malaria and have had relatively few side effects.
I decided to stop me for what I lost 3 tablets so far. If the course is set on the OK button, even though I lost 3?
I saw my doctor. That basically says its my choice if they wanted to or not.
Now I'm undecided, I have 2 and a half weeks left to take.
I'm not even sure if I really the first time.
I was advised in Mexico, Chiapas and Peurto Escondido, me he needed me, but nobody has found the cause, while ...

Has anyone tips for me at this point.
Now, I wonder if my fear is, this page effectss ....!!!
Thank you very much for any advice.


twixlick... said...

Paludrine my family when we lived in Sudan

My father could not take and malaria and is still suffering

It was 16 years ago

I would like

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