Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do Ghost Shrimp Eggs Need To Be Fertilized Ghost Shrimp With Eggs?

Ghost shrimp with eggs? - do ghost shrimp eggs need to be fertilized

Hello guys! I just wanted a shrimp on Little Ghost know .. I have 5 and one is larger than the other black with small eggs and I think their eggs? Can someone help me and if they eggs, what can I do, please tell me what you need to know, thank you


nowauxst... said...

Edit: Okay

Here are the possibilities:
You can see the dark spots in your gastrointestinal tract, such as food.

The eggs are carried in its "pleopods" alias legs.
Here is a picture of a ghost shrimp eggs: ...
If it looks like, then you may be able to find the baby shrimp.

Alexie N said...

That sounds great. I've never had shrimp with eggs before, but it sounds very tasty .... yum, I'm hungry now!

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