Monday, January 18, 2010

Prescription Pet Food Could There Be Other Symptoms From The Recalled Pet Foods Besides Those Listed On The Website?

Could there be other symptoms from the recalled pet foods besides those listed on the website? - prescription pet food

He said that "some of the symptoms'.....
My cat is sick after eating recalled in January, the move was not known until several weeks after I got rid of that food, for in a pet food prescription was placed? My symptoms are different cats, but hidden kidney enzymes high catherterized and infusions and antibiotics.


Shadowbl... said...

Of course, it may have many symptoms, the symptoms they describe on their website is probably the most common symptoms. However, all cats can react differently to bad ingredients in foods. It's like what makes us human, all respond differently to food ingredients and even some who like a sick man be right for someone else.

You should definitely ask your vet about it. Or try reseaching Internet for renal problems in cats and see what you find. But I am sure, ask your veterinarian is the best what to do

I hope your cat is well ^ _ ^

hobo said...

Iwould say, ask your vet he should know that your cat too.

iProtect said...

Yes, everything is still under investigation, so that not all the symptoms and foods that are also listed.

YoungShy... said...

I'm not really sure if there may be additional symptoms (I say, it is quite possible, would, because everyone reacts differently) on different things, but I would say if you think your cat has consumed contaminated food, I would discuss my vet to call, to be sure. Good luck and I hope your kitten feels better now.

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