Thursday, January 14, 2010

Used Fencing What Are The Difference Between The 3 Types Of 'swords' Used In Fencing?

What are the difference between the 3 types of 'swords' used in fencing? - used fencing

Foil, epee, saber ... How do you know which to use? Is it a comfort / question in the form or are used for different purposes?


Otto said...

The differences relate to the weight and the shape of three leaves, the rules of engagement for each, and the general "type" of each personality. All three weapons have a blade length of about 35 cm.

Aluminum foil: the lightest of the three weapons, moves only with the number is valid, only the torso (abdomen), the valid target area. The weapon is a derivative of the sword used for training to teach how to defend itself in the fencing.

Sword of the three heaviest weapons, moves only valid with the number is, the whole body (from head) to bottom is the valid target area. The weapon is the sports version of the dueling sword.

Namely, hit the weight of a road, the front edge, the edge, and a part of the border region to be a valid target hips. The rifle is a much lighter version of the cavalry sword, so that the torso is the target that you do not want a horse to hurt prices.

This is a very brief summary. I suggest monitoring standing available sources (the official website of the Association of the United States fencing.)

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