Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Dreamt My Girlfriend Cheated On Me I Dreamt Of My Girlfriend Cheating On Me With Her Ex. Is This Supposed To Mean Anything?

I dreamt of my girlfriend cheating on me with her ex. Is this supposed to mean anything? - i dreamt my girlfriend cheated on me

Statements about my question ... I dreamed about my girlfriend is cheating with his ex. You and I are very, very close and intimate little time to time, and they really love each other. were 17th This dream will mean something? last night when we had a conversation was a little uncomfortable because I got a job and not a fight, but still possible. ..?
Oh, and we are embracing almost every day and always passionate and sometimes kiss


~Honest Blunt Opinioner~ said...

This means that its only a dream

Derek W said...

Dreams mean nothing, you're a random stroke of neurons in our brains.

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