Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maytag Washer Troubleshooting How To Fix A Leak In Our Maytag Washer?

How to fix a leak in our maytag washer? - maytag washer troubleshooting

Our Maytag washer leaks from the ground. We can not find a loose connection, everything works well. All ideas, what you see and how to solve them


mountain... said...

Run a cycle in advance. If it is an earlier, remove the two Phillips screws on the bottom front. Latest require the use of a rigid puty knife inserted between the forward and upward. 2 inches at each end. This expresses the clips. Do one after the other. Increase slightly, then do the other. Remove the screws from 2 5 16. Keep your hands away from turning the transmission.

rangedog said...

Sounds like a stamp is mine.

She loves our Maytag. She is now 15 years and all I had to do to put the tape back.

I think it was the last model, where you can get ahead and get everything. Maytag dryer is the same way.

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