Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hold This Date Gay Invitations When A Guy Im Dating Tells Me He Just Likes Kissing/holding Me And Doesnt Expect Sex. Is He Lying Or Gay?

When a guy im dating tells me he just likes kissing/holding me and doesnt expect sex. Is he lying or gay? - hold this date gay invitations

said he hoped to do on sex. happy to be me. and he does not want sex when I want to give.
Links / Gay? What?


jasper said...

He does what a politician is in a campaign, he says what he thinks you want to hear. When it comes to be honest, who does make you want to love .. a lot!

All Hail Hypnotoad! said...

Elections interesting question. :)

You can like you much more than most girls, so check this answer, because I do not want to give to ruin a relationship, but is likely. The type depends on how long you have experienced for some time. It might say something in a previous relationship, take things a little slower with the next person.

capthaud... said...

If you just want to be with you and will not be forced to have sex with him ....... is normal

If you want your Vienna incorrect assembly and all the while trying to making it pound of flesh with his pipe ....... thats gay (hes gay, if your trip is not Cooter)


Mr. Greer said...

lie ... I do not think that just want to have sex. I stick the whole time. Anyone who loves and trusts me, when you say drop pants. He responds with something that you wonder why the first question. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!

miner570... said...

"If a man says to me that in the not expected from him, like kissing or holding me and that is sex. He is lying or gay?"
Or how the hell confused ....... nah, he's lying his *** off
HEY! We are not talking about Slick Willy are.
Monica .... You?

Ahh, well .... Bomb Iran, Bomb Iran.

Bex said...

Maybe he has an ulterior motive. Are you rich? They have good connections? If not, then try to determine whether he is gay. Spartacus, rent or your favorite CD by Madonna and see how he reacts. Then you know I do.

Bex said...

Maybe he has an ulterior motive. Are you rich? They have good connections? If not, then try to determine whether he is gay. Spartacus, rent or your favorite CD by Madonna and see how he reacts. Then you know I do.

The Beast said...

I guess I could always say that he thought the class was the establishment, not elections.

Lie. This is a trick, so you think he does not want sex, and therefore more willing to give.

Ditka said...

Never thought that maybe this is not just sexual attraction for you? Why, if a person does not have sex with someone, the first think that girl is gay?

Ditka said...

Never thought that maybe this is not just sexual attraction for you? Why, if a person does not have sex with someone, the first think that girl is gay?

jonbjamm... said...

Sweet Do not worry, I'll answer anyway ... Assuming that you are very attractive. Or is gay, lying, or have something catchy ... Or is a combination.

CFR Pawn said...

Should Obama

Lies and joyful sounds familiar ...

Babchie8 said...

You're right - wrong forum.

But out can be a very moral man. Una cosa rara. Getting to know you better.

Mandy said...

The honey is there, if he does not want sex, it would be the first man I heard that sex is not expected. Lol

tomk_773 said...

Period gay

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