Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chiropractic Massage Table What Is The Name Of This Chiropractic Table?

What is the name of this chiropractic table? - chiropractic massage table

I went to a chiropractor for a long time, and he took me on a motorized gurney. It was a roller wheel on the bottom. The wheel turns slowly and rolls to the outside of the wheel mounted on the back while driving slowly behind me on my neck and back. Does anyone know the name of this device is, or where I a find?


♥♀♀♪♫ JaZs ♫♪♀♀♥ said...

There are many types of target tables for chiropractic coaches here are examples of paintings by the activator, height, intersegmental table, Gonstead adjustment table Hylo table, inversion table, portable chiropractic table, chiropractic Chirocity Children specializes in chiropractic adjusting tables, repairing, adjusting chiropractic portable table Table

If you can see the photos visit the website ...

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